BI&A Core Values
We take the high road by practicing the highest ethical standards and honoring our commitments. We take personal responsibility for our own actions.
We strive for first-time quality and continuous improvement in all that we do to meet or exceed the standards of excellence stakeholders expect of us.
We value human life and well-being above all else and take action accordingly. We believe all incidents, injuries, and workplace illnesses are preventable. We are personally accountable for our own safety and collectively responsible for each other’s safety. By committing to safety first, we advance our goals for quality, cost, and schedule.
Corporate Citizenship
We are a responsible partner, neighbor, and citizen to the communities and customers we serve. We promote the health and well-being of Boeing people, their families and our communities. We protect the environment. We volunteer and financially support education and other worthy causes.
Trust & Respect
We act with integrity, consistency, and honesty in all that we do. We value a culture of openness and inclusion in which everyone is treated fairly and where everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
Stakeholder Success
By operating profitably and with integrity, we provide customers with best-value innovation and a competitive edge in their own markets; enable employees to work in a safe, ethical environment, with a highly attractive and competitive mix of pay and benefits, and the ability to further whare in the company’s success; reward investors with increasing shareholder value; conduct business lawfully and ethically with our suppliers; and help to strengthen communities around the world.
We believe that the same behaviors that drive strong performance - leadership, openness, accountability and inclusion - also enable a robust and effective ethics and compliance program. Ensuring that the BI&A values remain a foundation to our work reflects a daily commitment from every employee who wears a BI&A badge.
How to contact Ethics
The Boeing Ethics Line is staffed during business hours, five days a week, and is available to all BI&A employees at all levels from anywhere in the company, including subsidiaries. Advisors are available to listen to and act upon concerns expressed by callers about possible violations of laws, regulations, or company policies. Ethics executives and advisors are assigned to business units and organizations, and are located globally to provide guidance regarding proper behavior in the workplace. Individuals calling from the U.S. should use: 1-888-970-7171.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct establishes behavioral expectations for BI&A employees at all levels of the company – wherever we are in the world. Along with the BI&A Values, the code serves as the foundation for our workplace culture and provides the basis for the way we conduct business.
While we are committed to performing all business in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and provide our employees with a robust set of internal policies, we believe that it is our commitment to operating with integrity that ensures our long-term business success.
Every year from January to February, managers and employees meet to review and discuss BI&A expectations to keep promises, hold ourselves and each other accountable, and model ethical behavior. As part of these discussions, all employees reaffirm their personal commitment by annually signing the code of conduct and acknowledging their responsibilities to ask questions, seek guidance and to raise concerns about potential violations.
Speaking Up
Speaking up is a cornerstone for building an open and accountable workplace culture. At BI&A, we believe that creating an environment where employees are comfortable raising issues and concerns without fear of retaliation enables openness which can lead to improved business performance and inspire greater innovation. BI&A maintains policies and procedures to encourage employees to report concerns and seek guidance, using confidential and, when preferred, anonymous methods, including contacting local ethics advisors, using toll-free phone numbers and accessing web-based portals. Retaliation against employees who raise concerns is not tolerated and is cause for appropriate corrective action, up to and including dismissal.
BI&A promotes awareness of the company’s reporting system and non-retaliation policies in recurrent employee communication, command media and posters that are displayed in high-traffic work areas across the enterprise. Managers also are asked to encourage speaking up within their own teams by using materials and resources developed by The Boeing Company’s ethics group to foster dialogue and increase openness.
Inclusion at BI&A
The company provides a work environment for all employees that is welcoming, respectful and engaging, with opportunities for personal and professional development. This in turn increases productivity, quality, creativity and innovation.
Our business excellence reaches new heights every day, powered by BI&A people.
Equal Employment Opportunity
We have a wide range of jobs, locations and training programs. We are committed to providing opportunities for skill development and career advancement in an environment that does not tolerate discrimination, harassment or retaliation.